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Instructions for Authors

  1. Call for Papers
    International Journal of Digital Media Design (IJDMD) is now accepting submissions. Manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so we encourage active participation in the submission process.
    1. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process, involving both domestic and international expert scholars. Submissions in both English and Chinese languages are welcome.
    2. We welcome papers addressing topics related to digital media design, including technology, theory, techniques, cultural aspects, educational research, and artistic discourse.
    3. IJDMD publishes two issues per year, scheduled for June and December, respectively.
  2. Publication Fee Explanation
    The International Journal of Digital Media Design (IJDMD) follows a rolling submission and review process. Upon successful completion of the double-blind review, authors are required to pay a publication fee of 5,000 NTD.
    If the author becomes a member of our society, the 5,000 NTD fee will include the annual membership fee of 2,000 NTD and the publication fee of 3,000 NTD. Additionally, as a token of appreciation, two printed copies of the journal for the current year will be provided to the author.
    1. To pay the review fee, please remit the submission fee to the following account:
      • Account Name: Taiwan Society of Digital Media Design.
      • Account Number: 03 1001 12305 8 (Douliu Branch, Bank of Taiwan).
      • Bank Code: 004.
    2. When making the remittance, please specify the department and purpose for easy identification, for example, "ABC University_ Department of XYZ_ John Doe_ Review Fee."
      The receipt for the review fee can be reimbursed under the Miscellaneous Expense category of the National Science Council's project budget.
  3. Thesis Formatting Instructions:
    For Chinese submissions, please adhere to the original format as presented in 【IJDMDtemplate_big5】.
    For English submissions, please follow the original format as presented in【IJDMDtemplate_en】.
  4. Data Download
    1. If you wish to submit to this journal, please refer to the attached files for submission guidelines and formatting.
      Chinese Thesis Format Template: 【IJDMDtemplate_big5】
      English Thesis Format Template: 【IJDMDtemplate_en】
    2. Submission is conducted through the Huayi Online System. Please use the following link: